Perform special exercises, improves kidney. Lie on your back and place your hands along the body. Relax and take 20 breaths. Bending your knees, lift the hips and arch your spine in the thoracic region. Do exercise 3 more times. While in the initial position, angle of 45 degrees, lift the right leg, and then slowly lower it. Repeat 2 times for each leg. Stand up, stretch your arms along the body. Make 4 slow inhalation and exhalation. During the day, get up on all fours, leaning his elbows on the floor.
Include in your diet more useful to the kidneys products: nuts, seeds, peppers, carrots, fish, greens, beets, apples, cabbage, cucumbers, oats and buckwheat. Substances belonging to the legume, prevent the formation of kidney stones. Minimize use of salt, sweets and smoked. Eat more melons and watermelons. Daily drink at least 2 liters of fluid: green tea, fruit drinks, stewed fruit.
Clean the kidneys of toxins and stones, using herbal tea. Pour a glass of boiling water teaspoon horsetail, add the lemon juice with honey and drink during the day before eating. Pour a liter of water 2 tablespoons of the mixture consisting of 10 grams zolotushnika, yarrow and liquorice, 20 grams of comfrey and horsetail. Boil for 15 minutes and an infusion drink several times a day.