How to fall asleep quickly? Ways to fall asleep quickly

 This is interesting, useful and necessary to know any of us and without discounts for age! Women's magazine JustLady today tells what can "add up" the frequent lack of sleep and how to fight it. Recipes for a good sleep, welcome to my notebook!

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Do you know what a long time there is a "bloodless" torture? The arrested people are not allowed to sleep, just sleep. People brought to the point where for a fraction of sleep they are willing to "sign up to all." In general, we ourselves often do this to myself too, when tormented themselves, working nights, when we do not pay attention to such a small thing at first, and then the trouble as insomnia.

No, not for nothing that the ancestors invented deity commanded dreams, night visions and images! They knew, they knew how important sleep in humans. And manyways to fall asleep quickly, the secrets of how to quickly fall asleep were invented at that time.

Scientists estimate that modern man need nine o'clock full of sleep to withstand the frantic pace of the day. Robed himself in a dream, we will us pay or depression and nervous breakdown or poor physical state of health or disease. But what if, rebuilt with many working moments to rest, we begin to suffer while waiting for sleep?

How to fall asleep quickly? Ways to fall asleep quickly

Go away, please, insomnia!

What to do? Of course, to take action and experience theways to quickly fall asleep! So, the first thing to do - is to get rid of external stimuli, whether the light is not switched off the lamp, the sound of dripping water from the bath, flashing light computer or TV. Take care of your comfortable bed with "useful" mattress. Clamshell, sofa, couch - not the most viable option when it comesinsomnia. The room should be fresh air. If you do not practice sleep with an open window, you need to ventilate the bedroom anyway. It seems to be told about all the known truths, but sometimes even the observance of these recommendations is triggered other barbiturates better!

With external violators of sleep we understand. It is the turn to decide the question of whetherhow to fall asleep fastWhen the psychological causes of insomnia. Concern for the future of the regional seminar, where your main question, semi-annual report, "rebellion" debit with the credit, the control of mathematics at the son, got nasty saleswoman bagels - a situation that we face every day, and which require a healthy nervous system and "Metal Plate" for our peace of mind. And we all know that tomorrow everything will be resolved positively, from the troubles will be over, but tonight we did not somknite eyes or izmuchal nightmarish visions.

Auditory training, good self-hypnosis of "fiddling" of all experiences - will be one of their outputs in this situation. In addition, come to the rescue and aromatherapy. Lull scents of lavender, ylang-ylang and sandalwood.Recipes for a good sleep do not neglect the therapeutic potential of essential oils of chamomile, tea tree, tangerine leaves and marigold. They soothe, relieve irritation and hyperexcitability, and it is so important for recreation.

If insomnia has recently become a regular guest, you need to analyze the latest developments on the subject of new stimuli. For example, many drugs have side effects - insomnia, sleep disturbances. So do not be amiss to check your first aid kit.

At the first sign of repetitive and seemingly causeless insomnia eliminate from their daily diet of coffee, strong tea, chocolate. If possible, replace them with a relaxing bath, warm milk and a good book. We recommend to check theseways to quickly fall asleep in said order.

Soporific effect have many musical works. An efficiency bedtime listening plays Tchaikovsky's "Valse Triste" Sibelius "Dreams" by Schumann.

How to fall asleep quickly with the help of herbs? Popular with our ancestors was an infusion of willow-herb. (Two tablespoons of dry grass, "brewed" 2 cups of boiling water and infused for 6 hours in a thermos). Mint and motherwort, taken equally from 30 gr., Brew and drink the broth. Hop cones, mint, valerian, angelica root, thyme, oregano - the very first physicians of insomnia in people.

A healthy person always has a good sleep, no problems getting to sleep, after sleep, he does not feel overwhelmed, and rested and full of energy. Sleep problems should alert any of us, because this is the first warning bell about the problems in the body. Therefore, if the people did not workways to quickly fall asleepAnd you still do not knowhow to fall asleep quicklyShould as soon as possible to contact the experts to eliminate the physical, mental, emotional causes of insomnia.

 Tatiana Sinotova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: insomnia, the method