How to clean the tongue

How to clean the tongue
 On the need to brush your teeth usually tell people from an early age. In this case, few remember that such an important organ of the mouth, as the language is also in need of care. How can you clean up the language if you need it?  
 Dentists come to the conclusion that tongue cleaning is as necessary as the cleaning of the teeth. Indeed, both of these procedures have the same goal - reducing the number of germs and plaque in the mouth. And protect the teeth from caries is much more difficult in the case where the language with a touch of accumulated harmful microorganisms. Also pure language will help you get rid of bad breath, if there is a problem.

To start Assess your language. It should be cleaned when it begins to appear white patches. This is best done in the morning or evening brushing. After you brush your teeth and rinse your mouth, it is the turn of the language. Put on a little paste brush and draw on the language several times in the direction from root to tip. Do this carefully so as not to cause a gag reflex. Three or four times is enough. Then spit out excess toothpaste, rinse your mouth with water and apply a bit of cleanser into the language. Wait a minute or two to raid solution and was removed even from hard-grooves on the tongue. Then rinse your mouth.

Check the language after cleaning - it should have a pink or red color. When you save a trace of plaque repeat the procedure. Do not forget to rinse thoroughly with a brush.

If cleaning the tongue causes you discomfort, perhaps your toothpaste contains too much mint. Select a dentifrice with a mild flavor, it will help you get rid of the irritation of the language.

There are also special bilateral toothbrushes. They have special bristles, more convenient and less traumatic for the surface of the tongue.

For the prevention of accumulation of plaque in the language and help various rinses teeth.

Tags: language, purification, cleaning, hygiene, cavity