How to avoid mastitis

How to avoid mastitis
 Mastitis - a bacterial infection of the breast. In most cases, it occurs in lactating mothers. Most often mastitis develops 2-3 weeks after birth. The reasons may be hypothermia, lactostasis, cracked nipples. Lactating women should try not to forget about yourself and observe some doctors' recommendations to avoid mastitis.
 Those at risk include women with acute or chronic purulent infection of various localization, mastopathy patients with congenital malformations of the nipple. But in general, the appearance of mastitis guilty decreased immunity. If a woman's body healthy and strong enough, he will cope with the infection. A weakening of the body enough detail to begin the inflammatory process.

General recommendations for the prevention of mastitis - proper, balanced nutrition, hygiene, treatment of cracked nipples, normalizing breastfeeding.

Gateway for infection may be the most minor damage breast cancer. Delicate and sensitive skin nipples injured due to improper pumping, mismanagement of breastfeeding. The baby in the first few days of feeding enough for 5-10 minutes. The intensity of "massage" unprepared nipple promotes the formation of cracks. They need to be treated, lubricating oil or sea buckthorn oil rose hips.

In pathological failure to comply with hygiene bacteria can also get into the breast when feeding or pumping. A nursing mother should not forget about the daily shower and wash the breast before and after feeding.

Anticipated conditions of mastitis is milk stasis in the breast - lactostasis. It is associated with the violation of the feeding, incomplete emptying of the breast. Lactostasis usually accompanied by chills, fever, uniform engorgement of the entire gland. In this situation quite well rastsedit chest, until it becomes soft. Usually after rastsezhivaniya temperature returned to normal. If this is not done in time, it is very likely to develop infections.

To properly eliminate stagnation, it is necessary to warm the patient chest. You can use this for a warm shower, put a heating pad or compress. Then it is necessary to express her breasts, massaging Hardened area from the chest to the nipple. When streams cease to go, you need to give a sick child gland. He will be able to suck the remains much better. When feeding should continue to massage. Then you can put a cool compress on his chest. If the temperature does not drop, you should consult your doctor. Timely treatment allows a short time to cure mastitis. Any delay may be the cause of complications.

Tags: mastitis, breast milk, a problem feeding, stagnation