Healthy veins - tripping

Healthy veins - tripping
 Many people consider varicose veins only aesthetic disadvantage, which is formed over the years. But in fact, they make a serious mistake, because varicose veins - a disease that destroys the vein, so keep veins healthy and your gait will be nice and easy.  

The cause of varicose veins may become sedentary, overweight, often being in standing or sitting. In this regard, the disease can overtake you at any age, but in order to avoid this, it is recommended to train the vein by means of simple exercises that will strengthen your problems without legs and veins. One of these exercises from the familiar to all, and is called the "scissors". When the legs are made sweeps in different directions. Another exercise is that it is necessary to lay down and raising his hands and feet, often shake them. Such training should be carried out every day, otherwise you are still at risk.

Pay attention to how you sit, because of your posture depends on the movement of venous blood. The most dangerous situation, as it turned out, a posture "foot to foot", because when you are in her debt vein clamped, blood circulation slows down, and stop in the limbs guaranteed. Is considered the most favorable posture posture in which the leg throws on the table. Of course, she defiantly vulgar, but for the most efficient blood circulation better position to be found. If you spend a long time in the operating chair, then be sure to get up and warm-up, or simply lift the leg of a chair and rotate them to avoid future health problems.

Excellent prevention of the appearance of varicose veins are various water treatments. Best of all your regular douche, which, due to variations in temperature, good overclocking your blood through the veins. The main thing - always finish with cold water. If you cold for some reason contraindicated, then approach the problem from the other side: just avoid overheating: do not visit the baths and saunas, do not wear warm shoes without a special need.

Reduces the risk of disease and maintaining a healthy weight, as its excess causes unnecessary strain on the legs. Excluding sweet and salty, turn in your diet more vegetables rich in vitamins, and your feet will thank you.

Tags: foot, weight, health problem gait extension load, Vienna