How to protect your eyesight

How to protect your eyesight
 Nature has given man the ability to contemplate the beautiful everything that happens around. It is through knowledge of the eye occurs most of the things. However, if they are not protected, the changes they may begin at any age. Genetic predisposition increases the risk of early deterioration of vision. But adherence to the simple rules and good nutrition can save it to a ripe old age.
 It is not necessary to wait for the first signs of deterioration, to show concern about it. Take all possible preventive measures today. Rid your eyes from the adverse factors and not create them deliberately. Do not forget that contributes to vision loss sustained reading unacceptably short distance (less than 30 cm) or lying down, sunlight and bright reflection from the snow, poor lighting, watching TV with the lights off, long-term work in front of a computer monitor.

No less common cause of visual impairment is an unhealthy diet and lack of in the body necessary for eye health substances. So be sure to include in the diet foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, potassium, iron and phosphorus. To view helpful cottage cheese, milk, cheese, vegetables, fruits, fresh carrot juice (rate not more than 2 months), blueberries.

One of the causes of visual impairment are circulatory disorders of the eye due to chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism and other diseases. Therefore, prevention of visual impairment spend on a par with other diseases that can cause its violation.

When working at a computer follow basic rules that promote the conservation of view. Adjust the screen so that its top edge is below eye level. Allowable distance to the monitor at least 50 cm. Every 2 hours arrange your eyes rest and warm.

With tired eyes close them for a few seconds, and opening look at the bridge of the nose. Repeat 3-5 times. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the eyes and prevents deterioration of vision. To affect the other eye muscles to perform daily exercises complex: the rotational movement of the eyeballs, moving up and down and sideways, eight, and aspiration gaze into the distance and translated it into a nearby object located at the same level.

With strong eyestrain apply to them packs of freshly brewed strong tea, a weak infusion of sage and chamomile. When inflammation of the eye make lotions from grated raw potatoes, apples or cucumbers. Wrap the flesh of any of them in cheesecloth and apply to closed eyelids.

When a genetic predisposition to early visual impairment need to take preventive measures in childhood and continue throughout life. And in the presence of factors adversely affecting the eye through an intensive strengthening of using the gym.

Tags: eye, muscle, eye, conservation, symptoms, causes, strengthening, fatigue