First, we should establish a regime of the day. To do this, do not want to paint the day by the minute. Enough to clearly define the ascent and bedtimes and mealtimes. By following a specific routine will be easier for the body to adapt to stress and lack of sleep increased.
Be sure stands out in the new daily routine time for exercise. Let it be only 15-20 minutes, more importantly, to have regular physical activity. Sport activities improve blood circulation and increase vascular tone. Therefore, regular physical activity most positive impact on overall health and mood.
After the establishment of the regime to get rid of bad habits. They exacerbate chronic fatigue syndrome as negatively affect many body systems, for example, cause vasospasms. In addition, smoking and alcohol abuse shoulder the additional burden on the body of the release of tobacco and alcohol toxins.
Often, chronic fatigue is enhanced due to overeating and properly organized power. Therefore it is better to divide the daily ration into several small portions and eat them slowly throughout the day. In addition, it is important to optimize your menu - include more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc. In the off-season, when it is difficult to get enough nutrients from conventional foods, it is useful to take vitamin and mineral supplements.
Successful treatment of chronic fatigue is also impossible without bringing the weight back to normal. Extra pounds contribute to various diseases, many of which affect the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. This is primarily a disease of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
If all else fails, and the symptoms of chronic fatigue persist, should consult a specialist who prescribed the medication.