How to maintain healthy teeth

How to maintain healthy teeth
 Healthy teeth - is not only a beautiful smile and fresh breath, they determine the state of the whole organism. Dental disease causes multiple reproduction of bacteria that spreads throughout the body, provoking the emergence or development of diseases of internal organs.
 Dental health can be preserved if properly care for the oral cavity. Brushing your teeth need every day, morning and evening. During cleaning, do not forget to remove the plaque from the language, it is suitable brush or a special scraper, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Brush teeth should be of medium hardness, it will not damage the gums and relieve the enamel from plaque. After 2 months of service you need to replace a new brush.

During the day, after meals, it is desirable to use a conditioner for 15 minutes teeth or chew sugarless gum. Do not give up flossing, it can help to clean food debris from interdental spaces.

Several times a year visit the dentist. An experienced doctor will be able to recognize the incipient disease of the teeth and protect them from further development.

To keep your teeth healthy and beautiful, you need to eat right. It is necessary to limit the use of sweets, do not drink too hot or cold drinks, because they destroy tooth enamel.

Include in the menu foods containing calcium - milk, cheese, cottage cheese, almonds, cabbage, beans, parsley. Eat plenty of hard fibrous food. In the process it takes to chew copious saliva, which neutralizes acid and protects the enamel.

If teeth have acquired a yellow tint, they can be cleaned with a mixture of bread soda and a few drops of lemon juice. After the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth with warm water.

Good whitens mixture of soda and crushed strawberries, it is necessary to use as an ordinary toothpaste. Bleaching teeth at home can also be activated carbon, hydrogen peroxide and salt. But do not use these tools more than once a week, otherwise you can damage the enamel.

Tags: tooth