Cleaning the body of toxins should be carried out regularly. This will lead to healing and rejuvenation, normalize the metabolism, improve the work of the internal organs, weight loss.
There are several ways to clean the body of toxins, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. One way is a clinical method of detoxification. Of course, such a serious procedure better supervised by a doctor who must conduct a thorough investigation and to select the optimal method. But the high price and time-consuming methods of making such inaccessible to most.
The next opportunity to cleanse the body - the use of dietary supplements (dietary supplements). Cleansing is based on the absorption properties in a component that, absorbing toxins, remove them. If you choose this method, too, should consult a physician, since the choice of BUD requires an individual approach. In addition, taking dietary supplements, it is necessary to take a lot of water and miniralnoy vitamin complexes, as with toxins Supplements output and useful elements.
The fastest way to remove toxins from the body are natural remedies. To begin with food. Enter in your diet cereals. Cellulose, which is part of croup, absorbs all heavy metals and pesticides. Better suited for this oatmeal, millet, buckwheat and rice.
Products containing selenium, are also necessary for full activity of the organism. They prevent neurotoxic disorders. So add in their menu salmon, garlic, brown rice, veal liver, shrimp, orange juice.