Acupuncture Health and Beauty

Acupuncture Health and Beauty
 Probably, since ancient times man became strive as much as possible to preserve their health and beauty, and using all possible methods and tools. Here, truly, when all means are good, even if they are unconventional. One such method is acupuncture.
 The history of acupuncture method has more than 5000 years. The greatest flowering of this method is achieved in China III-VII centuries of our era, and today has been successfully used in many countries around the world.

Acupuncture treatment method based on the introduction into the tissues of the human body of a certain length of metallic needles in certain points on the clear surface of the body. In another way, this method is called acupuncture. The founders of acupuncture were identified 664 points on the human body, each of which is responsible for a particular organ for maintaining strength, health and beauty in general. Each point is the center of a special zone.

It is believed that these active from a biological point of view different from other areas of the body parts of a high pain sensitivity, a high level of metabolism, high electric potential and opposite lowered resistance. Depending on the type of disease specialist will determine the point necessary for proper exposure.

Chinese medicine says that the health and beauty of a person depends on the balance of female and male energies: yin and yang. If the source of energy is blocked for any reason, the disease develops. Remove, eliminate the block - that's the goal akapunktury.

The specialist will inject the needle just a few millimeters, while the patient will experience a barely perceptible pain, by the way, it confirms that the site is chosen correctly. Should not be afraid of acupuncture - needles made of special alloy, in length from 1, 5 to 12 cm and a thickness of 0, 3-0, 45 mm. Acupuncture should be used only sterile needles.

The standard duration of the procedure 5 to 30 minutes. Typically, acupuncture performed within 10 sessions. Those who checked the magical effect of acupuncture masters say that during the treatment they experienced complete relaxation, and sometimes even fell asleep. But this is not important - what is important is that after a course of acupuncture all the natural processes of the body to function activated, the people, as if awakened from a long sleep, felt themselves younger, prettier and healthier.

And this is the explanation: Chinese medicine experts believe that such procedures to enhance the flow of vital energy, it in turn enriches the tissues of the body, improves blood circulation and stimulates all body systems, that, in fact, is the key to maintaining the beauty and health.

Tags: beauty, health, medicine, acupuncture, acupuncture