Rule №1. Silence and darkness. The bedroom should be in the most peaceful place in the apartment or house. Any noise, whether passing cars or music wafting from neighbors, will irritate the nervous system and detract from its slumber. Try to limit the level of background noise. For this purpose, you can use earplugs or sheathe the walls of the room soundproof material. For windows pick up heavy blackout curtains, through which will not leak light lamps or the moon. If you suffer niktofobiey (fear of the dark, the night), set at the bedsides nightlight. Choose the one that will give a soft subdued light and do not irritate the eyes.
Rule №2. Air. Ventilate the bedroom at any time of the year. Fresh air, saturated with oxygen, helps to fall asleep faster and sleep makes a strong and deep. Especially beneficial airing in the rain. Try to keep the temperature in the bedroom is in the range of 17-20 C.
Rule №3. Bed. Sleeper should be comfortable and as broad as possible. Choose a mattress of medium hardness. Soft mattresses and quilts have a negative impact on the position of the body during sleep. Because of this, in the morning may experience discomfort in the body. Pillow selected individually. Try to keep your head while sleeping located approximately in the same plane with the body, or the nerves in the neck will pinch and waking up, you will feel a headache.
Rule №4. Pose for sleep. It is believed that the position on the right side, knees slightly bent, is most conducive to sleep. In this position, there is a relaxation of the body and the heart works without tension. In addition, this position is indicated for people suffering from snoring.
Rule №5. Clothing for sleep. If you prefer to sleep in pajamas or nightgown, select them in accordance with its constitution and growth. Do not buy too narrow and uncomfortable. Give preference to products made of natural fabrics, with a minimum of additional decoration in the form of frills and sewed buttons.
Rule №6. Eating before bedtime. Try dinner 2 hours before bedtime. If your lifestyle does not allow for dinner earlier, limit (or eliminate entirely) fatty meals as well as drinks containing caffeine and alcohol. Instead of strong black tea for the night is better to drink a glass of warm milk or hot herbal tea.
Rule №7. Relaxing baths and aromatherapy. If you experience any stress at work or at home, take a warm bath before going to bed. For maximum relaxing effect can be added to the water sea salt or ester oil. Well suited oil of bergamot, ylang-ylang, marjoram, lemon balm, chamomile and others. If you have no time or opportunity to take a bath, place a large towel a couple of drops of essential oil and put it at the head of the bed.
Rule №8. Music and reading. Scientists have found that Mozart's music the most beneficial effect on the nervous system and allow you to fall asleep faster. They normalize blood pressure, pulse and respiration. If classical music you do not like, it is possible for this purpose to use music from the series «Relax» with the sounds of the surf. Try to read fiction before bedtime. This is especially true detective and erotic novels, as the nervous system is in a state of excitement and you will be hard to sleep. If you are accustomed to still something to read before bed, choose a quiet work. Also, for restful sleep is not advisable to watch TV before going to bed, in particular, newscasts, horror, thrillers and erotic films.
Rule №9. Sex. Many scholars argue that sex has a relaxing and calming effect, allows to calm down mentally and physically.
Sound sleep depends on many factors, given that you can fully enjoy a long and healthy sleep.