What should be a healthy sleep

What should be a healthy sleep
 Strong healthy sleep - this is very important. People slept fresh and vigorous, he in a good mood and able to concentrate on work. In addition, prolonged sleep has a positive effect on the skin and in the figure. Do you want to get it all - sleep properly.
 In the dream, there is an important health processes. It is thanks to them that the person recovers by itself even after the most exhausting exercise. During sleep, there is an intensive synthesis of ATP, and because this acid is a major component of energy metabolism. The brain is also busy business - processes the information received during the day.

It is believed that a person for a full night's rest need eight hours. This average value. Experts believe that on average people sleep about five to ten hours, and this figure is purely individual.

To figure out how much time you need to sleep, try a few nights in a row to get up without an alarm clock. Before starting the experiment, you do not have to be exhausted and sleepy, as this may affect the results - you wake longer than usual. Note how long you sleep, do you feel rested. If so - try to stick to that amount of sleep and in everyday work.

For a good night's rest is important to not only the quantity but also the quality. The most useful sleep between eleven in the evening and four o'clock in the morning. It is also desirable to go to bed and get up at the same time. Body quickly gets used to your schedule, and you will sleep for fewer hours. But long sleep on weekends, to remedy the lack of sleep during the week, is harmful.

Thoroughly equip place for your holiday. Nothing in the bedroom should not cause you negative emotions. Even if you do not like the color of the sheet, try changing them - this will save your sleep. Be sure to ventilate the room for the night. Do not leave dirty dishes in the bedroom or mugs with unfinished drink. Make sure that the room had no odors. Can use fabric softener or aroma lamp to room soaked in a soothing aroma. If you sleep in pajamas or nightgown, choose loose clothing made of natural fabrics that will not rub, press or hinder you otherwise. In the case where you just can not eliminate the source of noise or light, use earplugs and eye mask. After all the preparations are finished, you will be able to gain strength.

Tags: clock, sleep