The benefits of walking barefoot

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 Walking barefoot is one of the best methods of hardening, relaxation and getting rid of flat feet. At the foot of man are many physiologically active points, which are massaged while walking barefoot.

As a result, there is a massage of the beneficial effects on blood vessels, joints and even brain. If your feet stimulate regularly, strengthens the immune system, improves the function of many internal organs, comes back to normal psycho-emotional state of a person. This procedure provides a simple action on the active points of the foot, which are responsible for many of the organs: kidneys, heart, stomach, eyes, brain and others. Therefore, this method heals better than acupressure.

With regular walking barefoot possible to get rid of flat feet, especially if you walk on the sand and loose ground. This reduces the pressure on the foot, muscles tense smaller decrease pain in the feet, trains arch, walking include all the tiny bones and ligaments.

Hardening - another plus walk barefoot. Tone of all the tissues and cells of the body increases, increases the body's resistance, especially to cold infections.

The most useful thing to walk on the wet grass, folk healers recommend to make such a walk in the morning and evening dew. No less will favor walking barefoot on the sand and wet stones, as this foot get a good session of acupressure. A wonderful opportunity to experience this effect is on sea beaches, but quite easy to make a track from the stones in the yard or at the cottage. Before you walk barefoot pour water stones and start improving procedures.

You can also pour a river pebbles in a flat bowl and fill it with cold water, and to stop the simulator is ready. Just do not forget to go barefoot every day for a few minutes - in both summer and winter.

Very useful walking on water. This procedure hardens the body, stimulates blood circulation, improves the bladder, kidneys and other organs. Walking on water relieves headaches, eases breathing, improves sleep. This method can be used in the conventional bath. Start walking need to 1 minute, then gradually extended sessions to 5 minutes. The water temperature should be reduced gradually. In winter you can add water snow.

Contraindications for walking barefoot legs are rheumatic diseases, gout, skin diseases, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

We must not forget that on some surfaces to walk barefoot not even useful. For example, tiled floor can cause hypothermia stop that provoke pelvic disease or urogenital system. Over the surfaces of the stone is also not recommended for a long time to walk barefoot, because, according to the philosophy of feng shui, they "pull" energy.

Synthetic surfaces, linoleum, carpets made of artificial filaments accumulate static electricity, which is bad for bio-energy space. The most common surface - wood and earth. Therefore, if possible, take the carpets and flooring obzavedites house, and all the country try to work on the garden perform barefoot.

Tags: use, hardening, walking