Terms of sleep hygiene

Terms of sleep hygiene
 The main reason for insomnia in most patients is associated with impaired sleep hygiene. People who suffer from insomnia (sleeplessness), over the years accumulated a variety of bad habits, which then lead to sleep disturbances. Insomnia should be treated, as it can lead to serious problems in human health.

Sleep. Each day wake up at the same time. Try, where possible, one day lies in a bed in one and the same time. Regular sleep and wakefulness sleep makes a person healthy and effective as possible.

Naps. Sleep during the day is healthy and normal part of the overall order of the day most people. However, for patients who have problems with sleep at night, naps can compensate for the lack of night sleep. As a result of decreased sleepiness in the evening, and problems with night sleep in such people even more amplified.

Caffeine. Coffee, tea and many other tonics, as well as foods contain caffeine, maintain state bodrctvovaniya and act as a stimulant. And so, for 4-6 hours before bedtime to avoid caffeine and products containing it.

Alcohol. Everyone knows that alcohol accelerates the onset of sleep. Therefore, many people take it to solve their problems with insomnia. Unfortunately, even in the smallest doses of alcohol cause sleep disturbance in the second half of the night. Consequently, alcohol is not an effective way to ensure a good night's sleep.

Nicotine. Cigarettes and other tobacco products containing nicotine are stimulants should be avoided in the evening before preparing for bed, as well as during nighttime awakenings.

Physical exercise. It has been proven that regular exercise in the early evening to improve the depth of sleep. However, exercise less than 3-4 hours before the onset of sleep can disrupt sleep process.

A rich and high-calorie meal. Meal later in the day is able to disrupt sleep. However digestible light products (warm milk with honey, herbal tea and corn flakes), can only contribute to the rapid onset of sleep.

Setting in the bedroom. Sleeper should be as comfortable and convenient. Too high or too low temperature, bright light, loud noise should be excluded.

Tags: insomnia, sleep hygiene