Stresses in the shower

Stresses in the shower
 Hardening in the shower helps to strengthen the immune system, normalize pressure, weight and general well-being, as well as significantly improves skin tone and improves the appearance. Extreme water treatments stimulate the body's internal capacity, charged with energy and good mood.
 Start tempering procedure in the summer, when there is no epidemic of viral infections and the body strong enough after suffering colds during the cold season.

It is a good daily conduct tempering procedures twice a day, morning and evening. Do not start immediately pour cold water, this can lead to a weakening of the body and viral diseases. The water temperature should be reduced gradually over a period of several weeks. Each week, make the water cooler by 2-3 degrees.

When you first turn on the procedure for 5 minutes warm water with a temperature of 45 ° C, then sharply lower temperature water level up to 23 ° C, wait for a cool shower no more than 2 minutes. During the same procedure several times, you can raise or lower the temperature of the water. To control this process, buy a thermometer designed to measure the temperature of the water. This kind of hardening is very soft and most suitable impaired people.

The second option tempering extreme and is more suitable for those who have health and cardiovascular system is strong enough. For the procedure turn very hot water. The temperature is selected individually, as long as you can stand under the shower for a long time, until you become very hot. Then suddenly turn cold water for 2 minutes. Alternate including hot and cold water 3 to 5-6 times. Gradually alternating repeat 15-20 times. Extreme hardening allows you to quickly bring the body in tone and boost immunity.

Do not spend Kneipp thrombophlebitis, cardiovascular disorders, asthma, cancer, and blood transfusion after surgery with extensive blood loss after a serious illness, drinking alcohol during pregnancy and lactation. Prior to the hardening get a recommendation of the attending physician.

Tags: shower, tempering procedure