Weak vessels do not cope well with its primary function - to carry blood through the body. Because they have the form of hollow tubes of very small size, blood transport itself - it is purely mechanical, but there is one caveat - the pressure. The fact is that, depending on the temperature, the intensity of the heart and a number of additional factors, blood moves through the vessels quickly or slowly, it was then necessary and gymnastics. If the containers have good moldability and can easily expand and contract, the blood passes freely within them. But if the vessels dilate slowly occur "congestion". In confined spaces collects blood vessel can not stand and burst, leaving an ugly bruise or swelling vanity under the skin. Or vessels are stretched over pressure, and back to the tone does not come. Hence ugly swollen veins and varicose veins.
That is why it is so important to train our vessels. This, incidentally, will be useful not only for the legs, but also for the heart, as well as useful to those who suffer from constant migraines and dizziness. Now on the market many products that enhance the strength of the capillaries, but some drugs are, of course, can not do. That the vessels were healthy and were in constant need tempered tone.
The first thing you can do - it's a douche. Start with the alternation of ice water and hot, of course, not worth it. If you've never done anything like start with a simple: a good warm up the body in hot water, and then turn on the water cool. Strongly excited at the same time is not worth enough water, the temperature of which you still pleasant. On the heated body is even cold water acts relaxing. Gradually, day after day repeating this procedure, you can reduce the temperature of cold water or make contrasts more pronounced. Remember the main thing - the discomfort of this procedure, you should not feel!
For the legs, damaged Spider veins or varicose veins more pronounced form, you can use a tougher version of a contrast shower. Since vital organs burn or chill you are not at risk, you can wash the feet completely ice-cold water, alternating it with very hot. A couple of months like the daily manipulation, spider veins disappear and new ones will not.
When the body is cold, the first natural reaction is vasoconstriction. In hot water, respectively, they begin to grow. Such gymnastics is an excellent weapon in the fight for your health and youth legs, heart and entire body. Moreover, with such gymnastics of the vascular wall is naturally released ballast and harmful substances from the surrounding tissue and toxins. The more intensively train your blood vessels, the better is the saturation of the tissues with oxygen and nutrients from the blood, and you just feel better. Train your vessels necessarily - it's a direct path to health.