How to wake up the body after hibernation

How to wake up the body after hibernation
 During the winter in the body is a lot of changes. And most often it is promoted calorie diet and lack of physical activity. These factors slow down metabolism and lead to the accumulation of extra pounds, slag, which as ballast pressure on the body and with the onset of spring do not let him wake up. But with a few pleasant procedures can wake him up after hibernation.  
 Heat treatments

Hot tubs, sauna, steam room perfectly heated body, opens the pores of the skin and through them a lot of output accumulated over the winter harmful substances: toxins, toxins, acids and other things. After a few treatments the body as if awakening: improves cellular respiration and skin, accelerates metabolism. But because of this you can get rid of extra pounds.

Massage and body wraps

These procedures are one of the most enjoyable and useful. They promote good blood circulation and lymphatic, burning excess fat release from the layer of dead skin flakes. Ten sessions of massage and body wrap can create any skin and the whole organism with a miracle. From such a pleasure rejuvenate not only the body but the soul. This means that the spring depression can not find the place.

Eating warming spices

In addition, the spring is recommended to switch to a lighter Lenten menu, it is worth more to add to the dish red and black pepper, onion, garlic, ginger (if there are no problems with the stomach). They stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system, which after the winter is in a depressed state.

Fortification of the body

This event helps to awaken the body by improving the metabolism of the nervous and endocrine systems, which in the off-season behave unpredictably. For this purpose, suitable course of vitamin therapy, as well as beverages with a high content of organic compounds and mineral salts. This tea from the leaves of mint, currants, raspberries, a decoction of rose hips. They can be brewed individually and collectively, and before use add 1 tsp honey. And should drink a sufficient form of heat, so they called a good sweat. It was only after 1-2 weeks use slightly chilled. These teas can be used for washing the face and rinse hair.

Physical exercise

If the winter of sport was completely forgotten, the coming of spring the perfect occasion to renew the tradition to strengthen your body physically demanding. They help to improve the performance of osteo-articular, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and thus embolden the body to the fullest. But that physical activity does not become an exhausting duty, it is better to do dance or aerobics.

To cheer up the body quickly enough for two weeks to give him a little more attention than usual, ie taking warm baths, massage, drink vitamins, eat light vegetarian food and dancing - all this is quite accessible. It is only necessary not to be lazy and love yourself. A reward for your time and effort will be blooming appearance.

Tags: body, winters, Ambassador, massage, body treatment, sleep, fortification