How to prevent runny nose

How to prevent runny nose
 Often, a runny nose is not only the harbinger of a cold, but also the body's response to certain allergens. Regardless of its nature, it is necessary to cure a runny nose at an early stage in order to avoid the occurrence of viral diseases or escalating a mild form of allergy in asthma.
 Rinse nose drops such as "akvamaris" or simply fiziorastvorom to remove germs and allergens. Wash your face with cool water more often.

Protect yourself from the influence of the allergen. Do not spend a long time near the furry pets. If this is not feasible, carefully comb their hair. Do not use feather pillows. Avoid places where plants grow, pollen which calls you have allergies.

Remove potted plants. Coming from the street, rinse face with cool water, rinse eyes and nose as often as possible wash your hair after a long stay on the street.

Humidify the air in the apartment. Often spend spring cleaning. Regularly wipe the dust and wash the floors. Get rid of carpets and other items collecting dust. Use a vacuum cleaner when cleaning with water filter. Tighten the window gauze and several times during the day sprinkled with water.

At the first sign of a cold, wear warm clothes, beneath the waist hot water bottle and drink two cups of tea with honey lime. Make a foot bath with sea salt.

Strengthen the body's resistance to colds, regularly taking vitamin C. Include in your daily diet green peppers, carrots and sauerkraut. Eat ginger root soaked in lemon juice.

Drink vitamin cocktail, consisting of 125 ml of beetroot and carrot juice, 250 ml of orange and a teaspoon of wheat germ broth.

Try not to become too cold and less to be in crowded places. In public transport cover your face with a scarf or handkerchief. Often ventilate the apartment at all possible, kvartsevanie.

 Lubricate the nasal cavity oxolinic ointment, gargle with a solution of baking soda neutralizes the acidic environment conducive for viruses.

Tags: cold, allergy, prevention