How to prevent oncology

How to prevent oncology
 Currently, cancer is the most common disease after sedechno circulatory system. About 25 percent of all deaths due to cancer. The exact cause of the disease can not be established. Most researchers believe that the most common is a genetic predisposition to cancer of the body.

However, along with this stands out more number of reasons which, according to scientists, can influence the occurrence of cancer. Most compelling are the infection. It is proved that the transfer of complex forms of hepatitis C and more than half of the cases leads to liver cancer.

In addition, the development of cancer affects radiation, both natural, so-called solar activity, which leads to skin cancer and artificial, which is caused by the release of waste, man-made disasters, the use of nuclear weapons.

Often the cause of cancer is becoming smoking. Smokers likelihood of cancer of the respiratory tract is about 80 percent.

Another factor influencing the occurrence of cancer is malnutrition. Irrational approach, excessive consumption of fruits and vegetables containing nitrates, genetically modified foods, carcinogens can lead to cancer of the digestive system.

On this basis, reduce the risk of cancer quite a force to each of us. Priority should be given to strengthening the immune system. Typically, cancer occurs in people who are often ill, under stress, excessive psychological or physical stress. Also, do not smoke or abuse alcohol.

Cancers detected early, treatable. Therefore it is necessary each year to visit medical specialists for the purpose of routine inspections and surveys. Women from the occurrence of an active sex life, and after 20 years without fail, you must visit the gynecologist at least 1 time per year. After 30 recommended inspection and mammalogy to monitor the status of the mammary glands.

Men older than 40 years should be an annual visit urologist, older than 50 - proctologist. Both sexes should not forget that visit to the doctor is not necessary to put off if you feel pain or discomfort. After all, people often seek help too late, when the medicine is no longer able to cope with the disease.

Tags: disease, the cause, cancer prevention