How to deal with insomnia

How to deal with insomnia
 Insomnia - the disease is not contagious and is not threatened with dire consequences. But, nevertheless, a person suffering from sleep disorders, is almost completely lost the joy of life and can not properly rest and work. Therefore relates to the treatment of insomnia is necessary in all seriousness.

To understand how to deal with insomnia, and whether it is at all amenable to treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause. If this is uncomfortable mattress, pillow, the noise outside the window, then these problems really correct yourself.

In most cases the cause of insomnia are all kinds of stressful situations and mental fatigue combined with a lack of physical activity or their failure. Then you just need to live a more active lifestyle, and, quite enough to normal daily activities.

Replace the trip to work hiking, possibly more to move on the bike, give up the elevator. Be sure to spend at least one weekend in nature or travel to the country, go to the park, in other words - spend the day outdoors.

To remove the tension, try on the weekend to leave everything and just relax. Turn off the mobile phone and set aside all cases, go do something enjoyable. Think of yourself any hobby that will allow you to sleep to release the head from disturbing thoughts - reading, knitting, folding puzzles or watching soap operas. You can also try relaxation exercises complexes.

It is also useful at bedtime soak in a warm bath with the addition of aroma oils, salts or special herbs. It is better to use special kits for baths, which are sold in pharmacies and specialty stores.

For two or three hours before bedtime, try not to do manual labor, because overexcited and heated body will be difficult to fall asleep. Better to just quiet reading an interesting book, watch TV series. In addition, before going to bed should not cram enough light dinner for 2 hours before bedtime.

If insomnia dragged on, and all possible measures do not help, it is better not to torture yourself and seek medical attention - perhaps the cause of your illness at home is not eliminated.

Tags: insomnia, stress, treatment