How to clear the lungs

How to clear the lungs
 Due to the bad environment, most modern people need to clean the lungs. And this applies not only to smokers. Employment light occurs even under extreme conditions because they accumulate in the mucus of the large amount of consumed bakery products, sweets and oils.
 To clear the lungs of mucus and phlegm, you need to apply the old method. Take a glass of oats, fill it with milk (500 ml), and put on fire. When half the volume of liquid boils away, wipe steamed corn, you get a coffee-colored paste. Drink it must be before a meal at a time. On the day it is desirable to drink three servings. After seven days, starting the cleansing light, a person may feel bouts of coughing. If he has any illness associated with the lungs, may cause a clot of phlegm mucus.

Infusion of pine buds also helps to remove mucus from the lungs. To make it, you must tablespoon of young pine buds pour 200 g of boiling water. Place the infusion in a thermos and leave for an hour. Take decoction after meal twice a day for half a cup.

The easiest way to get rid of phlegm is the consumption of butter. A small piece of it is necessary to eat in the morning on an empty stomach, you can drink coffee or tea. This breakfast will be useful and stomach.

The greatest amount of mucus usually accumulates in the lungs of smokers. For those who can not cope with addiction, it is recommended to clean the lungs via inhalation on herbal plants such as black currant, oak, pine, juniper, cedar, mint and chamomile. If there is no collection of herbs, you can use the oils of these plants. Inhalations necessary for a quarter of an hour, the course consists of 10 sessions.

Bath well helps cleanse the body, including the lungs. Doctors recommend to visit the bath with brooms made of birch or oak at least once a week. Nice to use in the bath oils of plants that are used for inhalation.

Proper nutrition, special breathing exercises, regular trips to the gym - all this also helps cleanse the lungs.

Tags: inhalation, cleaning, easy cleaning