How to cheer up without coffee?

How to cheer up without coffee?
 Coffee is not always at hand, and to use it in large quantities is not too useful. It is not necessary every time reaching for a cup to get rid of drowsiness and raise its efficiency. Try some of the simplest and most affordable ways to cheer up everyone without coffee.

About the dangers and benefits of coffee disputes are conducted for centuries. However, hardly anyone does not agree that the use of invigorating drink you can find a good alternative that "shake up" the body is not worse.

1. Dancing, walk and play with the dog, jogging and other physical activity that is able to give pleasure. About intake of endorphins and mood enhancement of physical education knows, perhaps, everyone. And what a charge of emotion chelochek receive from loud music, funny dog, jumping for the ball, or an invigorating fresh air in the park, in which he makes a run! If you think that the physical shake ineffective in your case, give your body just 5 minutes and make it move rhythmically to the music. And then evaluate how you feel afterwards.

2. Breathe. Deep breathing - the main component of relaxation techniques, which relieves the body and clears the mind. At work, during their studies, and especially in stressful situations (during negotiations, exams) people tend to breathe shallowly and even hold their breath when he feels strong anxiety. Shallow breathing limits the supply of oxygen and adds additional stress on the body, causing fatigue and tiredness. Train yourself to do some simple breathing exercises:

- Sit up straight. Exhale completely through your mouth. Put your hands on the abdomen just above the waist. Breathe in slowly, holding hands stomach. This ensures that you are breathing deeply. Imagine that you're body is filled with air from the bottom up.

- Hold your breath for a bill from 2 to 5. It will be easier to hold your breath, if you continue to maintain the stomach. Slowly and gently exhale through your mouth. The exhalation should be slightly longer than inhalation.

3. Drink juice, water. Dehydration can lead to various problems including a decrease in activity, efficiency, drowsiness. Water allows internally cleanse your body, waking him, and a glass of juice and a vitamin will add another charge. Do not stop at one glass of liquid. Drink as much as required by your body.

4. Smile and laugh better. Even if the mood is not buoyant, force yourself to smile. This action is your brain can perceive as a state of happiness and contentment. You know that children laugh about 400 times a day, while the adult makes it an average of 20 times. But laughter is not just exhilarating - it prolongs life. That laughter promotes healing, prolonged laughter activates all groups of abdominal muscles, pelvis, skeletal muscles. Thus there is a massage almost all internal organs, improves blood flow to internal organs and tissues. Sincere, leaping laughter heals physical pain and neuroses. It's simple: Laughter reduces the amount of stress hormones. So find a reason for joy, and five minutes of laughter will replace you not only a cup of coffee and a glass of sour cream.

Tags: way, the mood