How to beat chronic fatigue syndrome

How to beat chronic fatigue syndrome
 Nowadays, chronic fatigue syndrome affects one in four people in the world. This rhythm is associated with an increase of life. We try as much as possible to have time for a good rest we did not have enough time, we even have lunch almost on the fly. If time does not pay attention to the malaise that chronic fatigue syndrome may go into depression.

To win chronic fatigue syndrome, first of all need to give your body a rest. 8-10 hours of restful sleep helps the nervous system to come back to normal, and sometimes this is not enough.

Better to use 2 days off for a trip out of town to get some fresh air, and completely forget about everyday affairs. Cell phone during this time, it is desirable to disable that nothing reminds of work.

We must learn to relax properly during rest of the workflow should be forgotten. A very important role in maintaining the body in good shape plays a complex nutrition, in which must include fresh fruits and vegetables. Modern dietary supplements is better not to eat, but the course of vitamin B complex will not be superfluous.

Useful in chronic fatigue take bracing means - such as tincture of echinacea, ginseng and lemongrass. If chronic fatigue syndrome is accompanied by insomnia, it is recommended to take money, soothing the nervous system, for example, linden flowers, motherwort or valerian. 8-10 drops korvalola diluted in 50 ml of boiling water with a small amount of honey, taken at night, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and 3 days later you've forgotten about insomnia.

We must bear in mind that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat a long time, so at the first sign of fatigue, which are repeated for a month, you must begin a comprehensive treatment. Swimming pool, fitness club, or simply walk out of town on forest relaxes the nervous system and help cope with fatigue.

In order to fully overcome chronic fatigue syndrome, you need to learn to enjoy and from work, and from the rest. Harmonious distribution of time for active creative work and proper rest helps the body to always be in shape. Positive emotions can help you cope with stressful situations and stay fit and healthy.

Tags: system fatigue syndrome