How to be young and healthy

How to be young and healthy
 Often the woman's age is determined not by the number of years lived, and its appearance and inner world. Many ladies want to look younger than it actually is. It is not very difficult thing to remember is that a beautiful woman - a confident, loving peace and healthy individuals.

Exercise. Run in the morning and do exercise, yoga classes, fitness or swimming. Any sport strengthens the spine, promotes weight loss. And overweight, by the way - the enemy is not only beauty but also health, because due to fat is a big load on the heart, and on the body as a whole. When people are involved in sports, they are bright and cheerful.

Eat right!

Vitamin E - the best anti-aging substance. In large quantities it is contained in sunflower oil, almonds and flax seeds. Fruit juice, mineral water, green and herbal tea, bread, beans cleanse the body and contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin. Dairy products contain a large amount of calcium, which is very useful for bones and nails. To avoid acne refuse acute and sugary foods and alcohol.

Do not eat at night, then in the morning will be a very good feel.

Do not starve. Diet - a balanced nutrition, but not refusal of food. If you dramatically gain and lose weight, the skin is stretched and sagging on it will be a lot of wrinkles.


Smile as much as possible. Smile gives a great mood, and a good attitude - the key to health.


Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Before going to bed, ventilate the bedroom. Take douches, ending his warm note. And, of course, before going to bed drink a glass of kefir or herbal tea. In the bedroom, there must be order, then sleep will be quiet. The bed should be "refreshed", that is, every morning it necessarily refuel, do not roll on the expanded bed in the afternoon. Pajamas for sleeping must be clean and comfortable.

Skin care

Twice a day (morning and evening) clean the skin. It is better not to use chemical weapons. A great alternative to cosmetic milk and the cream will be oatmeal and herbal teas. But do not use soap, it dries the skin.

Tones the skin. Tonics and lotions freshen the skin, disinfect it, relieve irritation.

Moisturize the skin. Apply a moisturizer in the morning. Instead, you can use cream cosmetic oil peach, apricot, vaseline, olive oil.

Nourishes the skin. Nutritional anti-aging cream, nourishes the skin with nutrients.

Protect your skin. In the summer, use the cream from the sun, because they are harmful to the skin. Winter before going out smear cream from wind and frost.

No smoking

If you do not smoke, it's a huge advantage to you. Tobacco and Nicotine destroy human inside and outside is naturally obvious. Yellow teeth, ugly skin, rough voice ... If you want to be healthy and beautiful, you need to give up smoking.


Love yourself, the world around, people, things, nature, music, poetry ... Treat yourself to a respectful, sober assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, not engage in self-torture. Love the world and the people around you. If your heart and soul will be opened, you will become healthy heart, and hence the body.

Tags: young, health, youth