How to be always healthy

How to be always healthy
 Health - our core value. In almost all young, healthy. But over the years the disease occur more often, for they become chronic and difficult to get rid of them. But there are people who are suffering very rarely, regardless of their age. They have kept your body healthy by following a lifelong simple rules. After all, it is easier to maintain health than to restore the lost.  
 Health - a good physical and mental health, the absence of disease, courage, hard work. A healthy human body successfully resisted the attacks of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, as well as exposures aggressive environment.

To always be healthy, you need to youth to adopt healthy lifestyles. This concept includes the following factors:
• Physical activity;
• Moderate and varied diet;
• Healthy sleep;
• Refusal of bad habits;
• Optimistic life perception.

Ancient aphorism "movement - life" has not lost its relevance. If you want to be healthy, you need daily motion for at least half an hour (but the longer - the better). What will it be - morning exercise, fitness, swimming in the pool or in open water, dancing, walking or jogging - choose, to your taste. Any kind of active movement will not only strengthen your muscular system, not only will improve the well-being, but also will enhance immunity.

Healthy food should be diverse, with enough content in the diet of fruits and vegetables (they are a source of antioxidants - substances that prevent aging of the body). Very useful dairy products. Meat and fish should also be present on your desktop. But avoid fatty, spicy foods; instead of fried foods cook boiled; reduce consumption of sugar and sweets. Finish the meal with a slight feeling of hunger: for the health of the body needs much less food than we usually eat. Keep drinking regime: a day to drink at least two liters of fluid, and basically this fluid should be clean water.

It is very important for the health enough sleep. Lack of sleep has a negative effect on the nervous system. Duration of sleep needed to rest, for each person is unique, so you need to sleep as much as you want. Ventilate the bedroom before going to bed. Useful not sleep in hot and in a cool room at a temperature 17-18˚.

Bad habits - alcohol and tobacco - are incompatible with a healthy lifestyle. They lower the body's defenses and adversely affect the status of all organs and systems.

Treat life optimistically! Scientifically proven fact that good, cheerful emotions hinder the development of disease and even prolong life, while depression, envy, anger and other negative feelings contribute to a person of various chronic diseases. Live with a smile and be always healthy!

Tags: image, health, life, movement, sleep