How to avoid hypoxia

How to avoid hypoxia
 Hypoxia - a anoxia organs and tissues, which can cause different reasons. Depending on the cause of the disease is of exogenous origin, respiratory, hematic, circulatory, tissue or mixed.  
 The first signs of hypoxia are: dizziness, euphoria, poor muscle tone. Also hypoxia may be overt, and signs of oxygen starvation may be absent altogether.

To prevent exogenous hypoxia, avoid long stay indoors without fresh air, do not visit the mountain tops. Also, this type of hypoxia can occur at very low atmospheric pressure, but if you do not suffer meteosensitivity, vascular dystonia and have normal blood pressure, the short-term reduction of atmospheric will not harm your body.

To prevent respiratory or breathing hypoxia in a timely manner, please contact a physician if respiratory diseases, undergo a medical examination, and follow all instructions of your doctor. In obstructive diseases of the bronchi you will be discharged drugs that would increase the bronchi.

To avoid hemic hypoxia timely basis anemia associated with iron deficiency or other factors, avoid contact with chemical oxidants. If your work is connected with their use, wear a dust mask. Also blood hypoxia may occur in cases of poisoning by carbon monoxide

Circulatory hypoxia is associated with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. To avoid this, you must pass a medical examination in a timely manner and follow all of your doctor's instructions and do not stop taking drugs at their own discretion.

Tissue hypoxia caused by blocking of cytochrome cyanide, which leads to a complete organism intoxication, including an insufficient supply of oxygen to tissues. Avoid this type of the disease is possible, by avoiding contact with toxic compounds.

Overload hypoxia occurs because the body does not have time to suck the oxygen during intense exercise. Avoid this by observing moderation in physical and athletic exercises.

Mixed hypoxia may be caused by a combination of several reasons that can be avoided by eliminating oxygen starvation of tissues and organs.

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