Down with fatigue

Down with fatigue
 Emotional and physical fatigue are quite natural state, especially towards the end of the working day. But it must be somewhere to take power for the next evening event or household chores. How to overcome severe fatigue and look fresh? But cheer up fast your body is quite possible, and it takes no more than half an hour.  
 Severe fatigue occurs not only because of the hard work, but also because of the confounding factors. One is dehydration. So before you brace yourself in different ways, better to drink small sips 1-2 glasses of plain water and then cook one of the tonics. When physical fatigue to help green tea, broth hips, a mixture of juice of oranges, lemons and grapefruit, mixed in equal amounts and half diluted with water. When mental fatigue and nervous stress and cheer at the same time calm mint tea.

To recuperate great variety of water treatments: general and foot baths, contrast or a warm shower, and pouring. Relieve fatigue caused by physical labor, helps bath with herb St. John's wort, marjoram, chamomile. If you feel unwell, nettle, birch leaves. To improve the tone - of the yarrow, calamus root, sage and pine buds. To avoid further fatigue, take a bath should be not more 15 minutes, with water temperature 37 ° C.

To prepare the therapeutic bath sufficiently fill any of the recommended plants (volume 1 liter) in a gauze bag and immersed in the bath. Wherein the first dial water temperature higher than necessary. Then the grass is better to steam and show its healing properties. After the temperature reaches 37 ° C, it is possible to enjoy a bath.

If fatigue is accompanied by a headache, it is better to give preference to hot foot bath with oregano or mint. Also suitable douche. The temperature difference activates blood circulation. This improves the saturation of cells, tissues, muscles, oxygen and glucose and fatigue gradually recedes. Douches useful to take, if needed after a day of strength for homework or any event.

After water treatments and can sit for a few minutes. But this short period of time should be spent for the benefit of his health. And to help in this rhythmic breathing. Proper succession of breaths and allows you to restore the physical and emotional state. Breathing exercises should be performed only when sufficient supply of fresh air into the room. At the expense of 1, 2, 3, 4, breathe in, 1, 2 - holding your breath and at 1, 2, 3, 4 - exhale. After 1 minute to 5 elongates breath and rhythm as follows 5: 2: 3, then 6: 2: 4, and ends 9: 2: 4. Said rhythm indicative and may be selected individually.

With strong fatigue is not worth going to lean on, as long as the power is not restored a little. Otherwise, only intensify the feeling of fatigue, because the digestive process takes too much energy. But after soft drinks and water treatment light dinner will be an additional source of strength.

Tags: fatigue strength, shower, procedure, dehydration, body