But, no matter how "medals and decorations" We do not hang himself, mankind has not forgotten how to be sick, and still die in pain and disease.
We do not always remember that next to us there is a parallel world - the planet of viruses, germs and bacteria. All of this "community" - not always "parasites" on the body of mankind. Many members of this world - our friends, helpers. But we used to live by the imposed assertion that cleanliness - the guarantee of health. Is it always right?
Insulated from it, is not always a hostile world, we have deliberately declare war on dirt, especially without understanding where the enemy, and who - each. Destroy all in a row! In what ways? In a special passion for purity. His home we make sometimes sterile intensive care where we live under the slogan: "Clean - the guarantee of health! »
With the help of chemical cleaning and washing preparations we "washed out" of our neighbors with their habitual residence. "How could it be otherwise? - Shout you - you can not live in the mud! ". You can not. But the absence of microorganisms threatens us with the following troubles.
A person living in a sterile clean environment, can not resist the world of microbes and viruses, it disappears immunity to diseases caused by pathogenic enemies.
In every human body and live useful and harmful microorganisms. There is a constant struggle between two warring armies. When a person gets sick, then won some harmful microbes. Recovered the body - hurray! Won ours! Beneficial microbes!
For someone who grew up with the slogan that the purity - the guarantee of health, the grasping all sores in a row, which heal with the help of friends ... from a hostile camp - the same germs and bacteria! How can that be? Need to make friends with the world of bacteria, germs and viruses. In what way?
Do not be afraid of the cold and frost. Observe physical activity and make sure that what you eat! Do not forget to wash your hands before eating - is the key to good health!
Always be in a positive mood. Positive - this is our life vitaminchiki it - the main weapon in the struggle for life.