Russia had created a lot of laboratories that have been searching for funds pushes approach of old age indefinitely. Extracted extracts from various biological objects, create new drugs that still have not succeeded. In folk medicine for rejuvenation are widely used: ginseng, antlers (horns of deer, red deer) and a variety of other means. But modern science invents new and new methods to save and return to youth.
In the XVIII century, people rarely survived up to 35-40 years, now in developed countries, the average life expectancy is 75-80 years. All this thanks to the discovery by scientists of antiseptics, antibiotics, vaccines, asepsis. Ilya Mechnikov believed that normal people can live at least 150 years, and premature aging is due to intoxication waste products (toxins intestinal microflora). You need to eat a lot of dairy products. Agree with this recommendation and modern scholars.
Recently a new class of proteins - sirtuins. Thanks to a special gene for longevity, these cells exist in the body of every person. Production of proteins stimulate the low-calorie diet and some vegetable matter. In particular, resveratrol contained in grapes, for example.
Scientists have found that each cell has a coded program of death - apoptosis. A chance to live longer appears if you change the process. This involves not only the gene encoding the cell death, but also intracellular toxins gradually accumulate therein. To neutralize poisons need to develop a system of antioxidants. Scientists are working on it all over the world.
In medicine, it is believed that life expectancy affects the psychological factor. Influence of emotional state is very strong, not without reason stated huge number of psychosomatic diseases.
Give up smoking. Each cigarette shortens life by 12 minutes. Do not overeat. Reducing caloric intake by 20-40% of the normal aging process slows down and reduces the risk of cancer, atherosclerosis and other diseases.