A side effect of meditation

A side effect of meditation
 The term "meditation", descended from the Latin word for meditation, «thinking", and means a set of exercises to train your concentration. In a broader sense, meditation refers to the ability to enter into a special mental state. The object of concentration may be any object outside of the human body or any body, inner feelings and emotions. At the same time meditating person can perform breathing exercises.
 Meditation is inextricably linked with some Eastern religions (Buddhism, Hinduism), is an integral part of yoga. Since the second half of the twentieth century is booming meditation in the West. She began to be widely used to relieve stress and psychological tiredness, pain management, improve efficiency, not only in adults but also among students. And more recently, the fashion for this set of exercises captured and Russia.

Supporters of meditation say that it is absolutely not dangerous, and practice it can be any healthy person. Contraindication they consider only mental disorders. But is this really so? No Do meditation side effects?

In fact, along with an absolute benefit of meditation can bring harm. For example, there were cases when people who practice meditation, began to experience unexplained anxiety attacks, sometimes reaching up to panic. And they are aware of the artificiality, the absurdity of these attacks, but nothing could not help myself. In severe cases, panic could begin after the most harmless external stimuli, such as hail or a phone call.

There are cases when young, strong people, healthy both physically and mentally, after classes started meditation experience memory lapses. In addition, it was hard to concentrate, to focus on anything.

Also described cases of hallucinations. For example, one young man after an in-depth meditation course suddenly felt air-conditioned! It seemed to him that he literally merged with the instruments in his hotel room. And one girl imagining a bright orange mist gradually filled her room. And when these young people shared their disturbing visions of the team leader to conduct classes in meditation, they were advised not to pay attention to it and meditate more.

Thus, for classes should be approached with caution, not considering it as a universal panacea for all problems. And, in any case, not to engage in questionable under the leadership guru, for whom the main thing - the commercial component.

Tags: effect, harm, meditation