Do not forget that you need to properly bathe. The first entry in the steam room should not last more than 5 minutes, then take a shower and wash the pot first with warm water. Then go to the steam room and "is a couple" of the infusion of herbs. To do this, you can pour boiling water in a special container to collect from the roots of burdock, dandelion, cinquefoil. It can also add eyebright herb, mint, lemon balm, flowers Helichrysum. Sit in this fragrant couple more minutes 5-8. Such inhalation dilates blood vessels, helps to excrete toxins through sweat and salt. In addition, this steam treatment - it is prophylactic against common colds.
After the steam room or sauna would be good to wrap in a warm blanket, a little cool and have a massage, after which again wrapped in blankets to warm up the body to cool it. Remember that high blood pressure, persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases and pregnant women baths are contraindicated.
Use the bath as a natural inhaler. Bring a back not only herbs, but also essential oils. But here, try not to overdo it - 2-3 drops of oil in a glass of water pour - the smell will be very busy. Before you splash water with oil on heated stones, slightly drench them with plain water to cool slightly. This will prevent from getting essential oil in the next portion of the water is not burnt.
Remember that not all essential oils can be poured into the water for inhalation. Some of them are designed only for aromatic lamps. This lamp can be placed in the room to relax.
Sauna will be useful aromas of citrus - mandarin, grapefruit or orange. Lemon oil is intended for Aromalamps. These scents raise the overall tone, help strengthen the immune system and improve your mood. Well suited eucalyptus and tea tree - their flavor disinfects the room and kills bacteria and germs. Just as citrus, eucalyptus odor helps relieve headache. Tea tree oil is inhaled help in cystitis, stomatitis, respiratory diseases. Have a relaxing effect of lavender and rosemary. Contraindication for inhalation is idiosyncrasy to any flavor.