The ointment is a mixture of tar Berestovoy, xeroform and castor oil, due to which the drug has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action, improves blood circulation in the tissues, dries and soothes the affected areas. These therapeutic properties and determine the use of balsamic liniment. Most of the ointment is applied in surgery for boils, septic wounds, bedsores, frostbite and burns.
Remember a few practical tips on the use of ointments Vishnevsky in various diseases. When the first symptoms of boils, felon or carbuncle prepare and apply ointment on the sore spot with balsamic dressing liniment for 10-12 hours. After removing the bandage, wipe the skin with a dry cloth, then alcohol. In order to better absorb the cream, cover with a bandage on top compress paper.
When you have already formed an abscess after surgical dissection apply bandage with ointment Vishnevsky six hours to complete recovery.
For the treatment of bedsores apply ointment dressings at the first signs of circulatory disorders, already at the stage of redness.
Trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis wrap the injured leg bandage, folded in several layers, and impregnated with ointment Vishnevsky. Change the bandage twice a day. Alternate Vishnevsky ointment with heparin ointment. This will help restore blood flow in the vessels of the legs, improve the healing of ulcers, reduce tissue inflammation, protect the skin from infection.
When acne helps mask of gauze with slits for eyes and mouth, impregnated with ointment. Apply a face on it for 2-3 hours, the skin is cleaned and not formed of rough scars.
Burn the surface to be treated with ointment Vishnevsky 4-5 days after getting burned. Gauze with ointment to keep the affected areas until dry ointment, and then change.
In gynecology at various inflammatory processes used gauze pads with balsamic liniment.