Insomnia - 5 Secrets to Healthy Sleep

Insomnia - 5 Secrets to Healthy Sleep
 Quality sleep is necessary to man, first of all, for the correct operation of the whole organism. Chronic lack of sleep not only leads to a deterioration of emotional state, premature aging and the appearance of non-ideal, but a malfunction of the internal organs. Many people are accustomed to insomnia, no longer ignore its negative impact on their quality of life. But it's much wiser and safer for health to overcome lack of sleep, to get rid of sleepless nights and heavy awakenings.
 1. Make your bedroom cozy and inviting room to sleep:

- If possible, remove all equipment from the bedroom. The computer and the TV is not the place beside the bed;

- Buy a quality mattress (best orthopedic), low body pillows and nice linens, lying in bed, you should feel as comfortable as possible;

- Do not clutter the bedroom furniture, cramped spaces scored wardrobes and bedside tables, is not suitable for sleep.

2. Walk immediately before bedtime for at least 15 minutes each day. Fresh air is relaxing, walking, improves blood circulation, soothes the evening atmosphere of streets and adjusts to sleep. Fine, if you can walk with your loved one. This walk is not only calm, but also bring you closer, one "but" - do not discuss any problems before going to bed, do not make plans for the next day, just walk and breathe air, talk or think about something pleasant.

3. Turn preparing to sleep in a pleasant ritual, a declaration of love itself:

- Going to the shower, open the window in the bedroom (ventilate the room before going to bed required, but sleep with the window open is not recommended even in summer);

- Washing off makeup, tell yourself that you are - the most beautiful and charming;

- Standing under a warm shower, think only about good things. Imagine all the stress accumulated during the day, flows with you along with the water. Hot or douches excites the nervous system, bedtime can only take a warm shower + 37 + 39oS;

- Before you go to bed, drink a glass of warm milk or tea sedative (soothing herbal tea can be purchased at the pharmacy);

- Wear warm socks for the night, if you are a women who is always cold feet and hands;

- Before going to sleep, massage lightly shoulders, legs, stomach (or ask the wife to make you a gentle, relaxing massage).

4. Engage in the gym or fitness. Any sport relieves tension and gives the body the necessary exercise. Not by chance after a day of activities fall asleep much faster than after a day out on the couch or on the computer. What kind of exercises to do - it does not matter. Importantly, the load should be regular and proportionate to your abilities.

5. Remove the emotional stress. Do not ignore depression, bad mood, stress conditions. Healthy, quality sleep is only available to people with a properly functioning nervous system:

- Every day (15-20 minutes), meditate or do breathing exercises;

- That would completely relax, follow the simple exercise: lying on his back, imagine how the foot is gradually relaxed, then the calves, thighs, stomach and so on. When you get to the top, start all over again.

- Twice a week, take a soothing bath (with seaweed, oils or herbal decoctions);

- To strengthen the nervous system and blood vessels every morning take a douche;

- Eat only healthy food, turn to the diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood, nuts. Dine at least 3 hours before bedtime.

If you overcome insomnia alone can not, be sure to consult a specialist. The reasons for the lack of sleep can be diseases of internal organs, chronic depression, or hormonal disorders. Do not take hypnotics and sedatives medications without consulting their physician.

Tags: Ambassador, insomnia, computer, secret dream