Strengthening the immune system. Tools and techniques
Immunity - extremely workhorse that, however, one can break out of power due to constant overload and poor nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to look at carefully, very carefully, because if this rabotyazhka begin to pass, we will literally not be good. Disturbances in the immune system lead to frequent inflammatory processes resulting from infectious and chronic diseases.
The immune system can operate at half capacity for many reasons, which can be both inherited and acquired. She suppressed in violation of normal digestion, with elevated levels of toxins in the body, with a deficiency of vitamins, at faults in the mode of the day, with a sharp change in periods of high activity in the decline of this activity. Reduced immunity and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
All these negative factors, almost continuously attacking our immune system, harassed him. "Horse" begins to weaken. And to maintain its power over all ways.
Such methods are many and they are simple. For example, a significantstrengthening the immune system happens if you stick to certain hours of eating and have at least three or four times a day. For fifteen or twenty minutes before a meal, it is desirable to sip vitamin gathering and food add mustard, horseradish, garlic, onion. Even nutritious food may not always provide the body with all the necessary to strengthen the immune system elements. Therefore, if the immune system is greatly weakened, it is advisable to add nutrition to special dietary supplements, complementary micronutrient deficiencies - Supplements.
Slag, causing a malfunction of the immune system, can be removed from the body through a very simple process. In the morning on an empty stomach swallow rice grain, starting with one. Then daily added one grain at. As a result, when the sum risovinok equal to the number of years, their number is reduced in the reverse order. Liquid and food after taking the seed do not eat two to three hours. If the work requires significant energy costs, and the breakfasts are needed before it can be taken before meals a mixture of honey and crushed plantain, first one, then two teaspoons.
Well strengthen the immune system sweatshops procedure: Russian bath, Finnish sauna, steam bath home. Before the procedure, it is desirable to have a drink strongly brewed vitamin fee.
Significantstrengthening the immune system happens if you regularly do physical exercises. Moderate physical activity contribute to the revitalization of the circulatory, muscular and nervous systems, and increased secretion of the hormone that has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
No less effective way is hardened and cold. It can start with leg procedures initially placing the legs for a few minutes in water at room temperature, and then gradually reducing this temperature.
Weaken our immune system different stresses, as if they Extractability adrenaline helps spasm of blood vessels. This reduces the immune system in the delivery of nutrients. Tension, if not removed, undermines our health and threatens to big trouble. Therefore, try to avoid the psychological discomfort, and if not, put in order your inner state with the help of outdoor activities, listening to good music, entertaining reading books and so on.
Immunity especially important in winter and spring seasons. In the cold, scanty to sunlight, months diet should be as enriched with fatty fish and legumes, grains, dairy products and fats of vegetable origin. Very useful fruit and herbal teas and juices, which is desirable, if not the propensity to allergies, drink a day for at least two liters. Herbal teas can be brewed from lime, calendula, chamomile, celandine, dandelion, yarrow, immortelle. These herbs are rich in vitamins and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system. As for the coffee and black tea, their consumption should be minimized - caffeine slows the assimilation of nutrients.
Very useful for immunity aromatherapy using birch, camphor, clove, anise, basil essential oils. Has beneficial effects on the immune system fumigation facilities juniper branches.
All of these techniques are available to everyone, and to ignore them, especially in times of colds and intestinal epidemics, it is undesirable. After all, the immune system saves us from the invisible and insidious enemies - various infections and viruses. And it is thanks to him that we survive in such aggressive towards our health environment.
Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady