Do steam inhalation. To enhance the effect of the water, add a little soda and essential oil of cedar. Breathe over outgoing steam for 10-15 minutes several times a day. Analogue inhalation - sauna. Do not forget to add on dilution with water heater fir or cedar oil. Also in the sauna is a natural cleansing the body of toxins.
Exercise, for example, go to the gym or do exercises at home. Particularly beneficial effect is observed when swimming in the pool. And if you have the opportunity to go to the sea, do not miss it. Sea air and water enriched with nutrients, help get rid of toxins in just a few weeks.
Physical activity provokes increased respiration, in turn, leads to purification and increased their lung volume. Not bad effect on the health of former smokers and walking on a coniferous forest.
Propyl course of antioxidant and vitamin complexes. Also, pay close attention to your diet. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables as well as dairy and meat products. So that the body recovered, he needed nutrients, so if you are dieting, temporarily discard it.
If you have a concern in terms of health, for example, cough or permanent weakness, consult a physician for a complete examination. During smoking in the body can occur serious changes in organs and tissues, so be careful with respect to their health.