Prevention of tuberculosis, meanwhile, is quite simple. Firstly, you need to observe good personal hygiene. Being in public places (shop, clinic, public transport, cinema, disco, etc.), there is a constant risk to meet carrier Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Therefore, after returning home, wash your hands with soap and exposed parts of the body.
Secondly, you need to be screened annually for infection with tubercle bacillus. This is done using a specialized test on the Mantoux test. On the hand as a result of tuberculin may be formed "a button", which is a proof of the presence of tuberculosis infection. Every year since 14 years, it is necessary to carry out chest x-ray. With the help of the early stages in the body not only detect tuberculosis and other diseases.
Thirdly, the vaccination against tuberculosis is obligatory for all. The vaccine prevents the development of complications of tuberculosis. First vaccine to newborns do in the hospital. Protection continues for about 5 years. After this period is necessary to revaccination.
Constantly strengthens the immune system. It helps prevent infection with tuberculosis. A complete protein and vegetable diet, daily exercise, vitamin complexes and healthy sleep raise the general tone of the body. Give up smoking. Tobacco smoke is undermining the viability of lung infection and allows easy entry into the body. Alcohol abuse also weakens the body, and the use of drugs leads to immunodeficiency. Decrease in immunity opens the door for any disease. Clean fresh air significantly increases the chances of the body to prevent the dangerous disease.