How to keep the hearing

How to keep the hearing
 Hearing problems are not unique to the elderly. More and more young people are turning to the doctor complaining of hearing loss. According to experts, more than half of such cases can be avoided if you follow the simple but effective recommendations.
 Keep hearing is necessary from a very early age. Prevent severe complications on the ears to help in time to make preventive vaccinations against measles, meningitis, rubella and mumps.

An important factor in maintaining good hearing - timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ears. Unacceptable self, at the first symptoms need to see a doctor and follow his recommendations. We must try not to bring up the disease, to dress for the weather, wear hats. In addition, you need time to cure diseases of the nasopharynx, as illiterate treatment or omission even if the common cold may be complicated by otitis.

Young people who are constantly listening to music through headphones, often suffer some hearing loss. The most traumatic for the ears listening to loud music in the subway. The same goes for clubbers. Need to reconsider their attitude to excess decibels and think whether because of this lose health. When you work in a noisy production must use protective equipment - earplugs, headphones.

Certain medications, including antibiotics, when improperly applied may have a toxic effect on the organs of hearing. They are especially dangerous for children and pregnant women. So do not prescribe medication itself.

Doctors advise to protect your ears while swimming. You can use cotton swabs or earplugs.

When air travel is necessary to protect the ears from pressure surges, especially during takeoff and landing. You can slightly open mouth swallowing. This will align the pressure and protects the ear from injury.

Age-related hearing loss are vascular in nature. To prevent a sharp progression of hearing loss, complex treatment drugs, improves circulation, vitamins, antioxidants, nootropics. Many patients well help laser therapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy methods.

Ears - a very delicate organ. You need to take care of them throughout their lives. Hearing loss easily and recover very difficult, almost impossible.

Tags: hearing improvement, prevention, deafness, deterioration