Harmony of the body - a thing, of course, beautiful and worth striving for it. Sleek in its forms man not only looks younger and more attractive than their overweight peers, but also feels better. He has less risk to buy a whole bunch of various chronic diseases associated with being overweight. However, this is true only as long as its weight is kept within the physiological range. When the lower bound is cleared up, there are not as many problems as and when excess body weight. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to lose weight with the mind, that is, according to its ideal weight.
All the people in its addition of different and bring some universal formula weight is absolutely suitable for all, it is simply impossible. But you can learn to identify the ideal weight for yourself, based on the existing methods of calculating weight and taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.
Methods of calculating the optimal weight these days, there are many. The most simple and close to reality is the method of Frenchman Paul Broca, according to which the average ideal weight is calculated using the formula: height in cm. - 100. This scheme is suitable for people whose height does not exceed 165 cm. With the growth of 166 - 175 cm. Ideal will be equal to the weight of the digit "growth - 105", while more than 175 cm. from the growth rate must subtract 110.
However, even such a division with the growth can not be a completely reliable indicator because people can differ significantly in their constitution. Optimum weight and asthenics normostenik will always be a few pounds less than the weight hypersthenics the same height. To find out what your body composition, it is possible to carry out a simple test. To do this, measure the circumference of your wrist measuring tape working hands. For women, rates are as follows: less than 16 cm. - Asthenic constitution, from 16 to 18 cm. - Normostenichesky type, more than 18 cm. - Hypersthenics.
Sufficiently adequate representation of the desired ideal weight can provide a technique of body mass index. BMI is calculated as weight: growth squared. It is important to bear in mind that the increase in this case is calculated in meters. For example, for a woman 170 cm in height. And weighing 63 kg. the formula would look like this: BMI = 63: 1, 7: 1, 70. That is, in this example, body mass index will be 21, 79. This value is placed in the performance standards.
In other cases, it is believed that the coefficient of less than 19 means underweight, 19-25 - a physiological norm, 26-30 - overweight, 31-35 - moderate obesity, and rates in excess of the figure 36 indicate severe obesity, resulting in serious consequences for the organism as a whole.
Method of calculating the BMI is very useful for personal use and allows enough to accurately assess your weight is within the recommended standards. It should be borne in mind that the usual weighting does not give information on the percentage of fat in the body. Well-trained man with bulging muscles can often weigh more homebody who has the lion's share of weight is fat. Ideally, therefore, the method of calculating the BMI should be supplemented by the calculation of the percentage of fat mass. Because to do it at home is difficult enough, you can go to any club or a sports complex, where there is the necessary equipment and qualified personnel. Or purchase a new generation of electronic scales, weighting with allowing to know the percentage of body fat in the body.