Before going to bed to adjust myself on a nice day. Surely there is something, what are you waiting with anticipation. This can be a pleasant meeting with friends, dinner with the family, a welcome gift, new dress in the wardrobe or interesting project at work. As soon as you wake up, just remember this - and will appear in the body of vitality, and improve mood.
At night on the ability to open a window or window. Saturation of oxygen to the brain contributes to its awakening and active work. If the window was closed during the night, waking up, and immediately his Open your breathe deeply several times. If at the same time you start to yawn, it will only improve your health after sleep.
Waking contributes to light. As soon get out of bed, open the curtains. If it's cloudy, turn a bright lamp. Well, if your bedroom is made in the light or bright colors: when the walls and the furniture gets light, the room will shine! Your sleep instantly evaporate.
In the evening, but not before going to sleep, take 30-40 minutes to sport. Make some aerobic and strength exercises and stretching. So you not only fall asleep quickly, but also easy to wake up in the morning.
After get out of bed, be sure to go to the shower. Water not only relaxes and soothes, but also brings harmony to the soul. Wait under running water for several minutes, think about something pleasant. You can use essential oils, which have a tonic and invigorating properties: lemongrass, cinnamon, lavender geranium, etc. In the shower gel, soap or shampoo, add 1-2 drops of oil.
To get the vigor of body and mind for the whole day, drink coffee in the morning with a cup of cocoa or cinnamon. You can replace them with fresh orange or pineapple juice. Green tea also has invigorating and a great addition to it will be a slice of lemon.