One of the first fundamental studies on the use of acupuncture as an easy way to quit smoking is owned by French specialists (GERA, Marseille, 1976). The results were quite positive. However, further, more in-depth analysis has shown, alas, instability results. A large percentage of people who quit smoking with the help of acupuncture, some time back again to the old bad habit.
A little later, serious development is the method of exposure to needles on the active points of the ear - Auricular reflexology. The method is interesting because it is well understood and easy to use. At the point of impact can be microneedles. Carry out such procedures only in medical institutions specially trained in this technique doctors.
Known technique twelve-course smoking. One set of needles pose a period of 3 to 7 days. Then change the needle. Impact on the active points is compensation of the endocrine glands.
Acupuncture for the treatment of nicotine addiction used iron and silver needles. The minimum thickness of such needles - 0 3 mm and a length ranging from 1 to 12 cm.
Another method of care for smoking cessation - electroacupuncture stimulation of active points of the ear by special devices that emit electromagnetic pulses. Such procedures can be performed at home without the possibility of harm.
Acupuncture can help to quit smoking, but as one component of a comprehensive approach. Requires the removal of psychological dependence. And it is desirable to include a light drug therapy. Only a comprehensive treatment of nicotine addiction will make it easy and, most importantly, to quit smoking forever.