What to take a bath

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 After a hard day's work, many feel exhausted. But there is a way: take a bath and you will feel a surge of energy. Baths can be therapeutic or cosmetic, refreshing or relaxing. The effect depends on what you add to it.

Taking a bath - one of the most popular treatments for many women. About the beneficial effect is known to many. You can, of course, just soak in warm water is best, about 34-37 degrees. However, not everyone knows that the most useful and, undoubtedly, will be a pleasant bath with different additives.

The most common additive - bath foam. It is presented on the shelves in the conventional liquid state or in salt form, or any figures. A variety of aromatic components that make up the foam, improve mood and provide invigorating or soothing effect.

Due to the high content of trace elements are considered very useful bath with sea salt. It has a huge number of useful properties: a positive effect on the nervous system and health in general, and also promotes weight loss.

Bath with essential oils provides both therapeutic and cosmetic care. After it, your skin will become an extraordinary smoothness and softness. In addition, the oil will fill the bathroom wonderful aroma. But with him you have to be careful: before applying oil must be dissolved, for example, liquid soap, honey, sour cream or yogurt. This oberezhet you from burns.

Significant healing properties have a bath with herbal ingredients: eucalyptus, peppermint, sage, lavender and so on. Herbs can be used both fresh and dried. They can collect the most or buy at your local pharmacy.

Benefit from a cosmetic point of view are considered to milk baths. They will have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it pleasant to the touch and improve its appearance. By the way, we know that milk baths lover was Cleopatra.

And if you make 1 liter of strong black tea and add it into the water, then after taking a bath your skin will become light brown tan.

Besides all this, there are many recipes for bathing, which can strengthen your health and improve the appearance.

And for a good mood, you can dim the lights, light the candles and turn quietly pleasant music. All this will allow you to relax and get away from the worries.

Tags: bath, acceptance, additive