The benefits of the sauna for female beauty and health

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 As well, when we can get together after work week with my friends and relax in the sauna or steam bath. At this point, you can completely relax and soul, and body, to lead a leisurely chat over a cup of fragrant tea between trips to the steam room. But the sauna is suitable not only for peace of relaxation, it is also useful for women's health and beauty.

Positive effect on the human body baths has been known for a long time. But to visit the Russian bath you need to have a fairly good health and stamina. The sauna is milder conditions, so they transferred the female body much easier.

Today, a visit to this place is available for many people. Some have a bath in the country, but also those who do not, can not deny myself the pleasure to go to the sauna. Especially because now there is a huge choice. You can visit the Finnish, Japanese, Turkish bath.

The use of the sauna for women's health and beauty lies in the fact that under the influence of warm vapor increases sweating, and with it the body are derived from a variety of toxins. After a visit, you can even lose a little weight. On the one hand this is due to the fact that the withdrawal of excess fluid, and on the other - because under the influence of high temperature activation of metabolic processes.

Alternating visit the steam room, and then the adoption of cooling shower or swimming in the pool perfectly tempers the whole body and trains the vascular wall. They become thicker and stronger, that is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and stroke.

Using a broom in the steam room also gives a positive result. Firstly, it is a kind of massage for the whole body, and secondly, the use of a broom helps fight cellulite. The result will be even better if before entering the steam room on the body cause protivotsellyulitnye special cream or gel.

Sauna or bath are great places to use different masks and other cosmetic products. This is due to the fact that, when the sauna bathing in the pores expands and cleaned, and nutrients from creams and masks are better able to penetrate deep into the skin, giving a better cosmetic effect. You can also apply different scrubs, but they need to be applied on the skin steamed, so as not to hurt her.

Useful in the sauna use of scented oils. A well-chosen essential oils not only have a positive effect on the body, but also improve mood, relax. For example, if you have an upper respiratory tract infection, can be used in the sauna, eucalyptus oil or fir. A pine oil helps with skin problems. Improve mood lemon, juniper, jasmine.

In general, to the effect of the hike in the sauna was the highest, best use of natural cosmetics that do not contain alcohol. Now stores sell special cosmetics designed specifically for use in the sauna or bath.

As the air in the steam room is quite hot and dry, it is necessary to enter into it, after having put on the head of a special hat to avoid damaging the hair. If you want to wash them, do it after the last visit to the sauna.

Between trips to the steam of water loss in the body need to fill. Drink water, green or herbal teas, fruit drinks from fruits and berries. But from the use of alcoholic beverages is better to abstain, as it can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Tags: body, beauty, health, visit sauna, benefits, impact, steam