Stone Therapy - miraculous power stone

Stone Therapy - miraculous power stone
 One of the trendiest and effective types of massage - stone therapy or massage with stones. It is based on the principles of Oriental medicine and aims to harmonize the spiritual and physical well-being, to restore the energy balance.

The movement of stones on the main points of the massage activates the body's systems - heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Basalt stones have the ability to store heat for a long time, accumulating energy of the earth, and at the expense of these properties is the relaxation of tissues. Warm stones warms the body, soften tissue and improve blood circulation. Hot stone massage normalizes the nervous system, increases metabolism and lymphatic drainage process. An important result is the appearance of stone therapy feeling of bliss by producing endorphins - the hormones of happiness.

Have the opposite effect cold stones of marine origin. They effectively reduce inflammation, cool the body and tone the cells. Therapies such minerals is used to treat the corresponding diseases of the nervous system, requiring activation processes.

All stones should be smooth and rounded. Marine, as a rule, already have the right shape, and stones of volcanic rock right size have to search long.

The list of problems that can deal stone therapy, is impressive:

 The manifestations of pathological processes in the nervous tissues (headaches, persistent depression, stress, lowered immunity due to psycho-emotional upheaval, etc.);
 Muscle fatigue, muscle weakness and flaccidity;
 The presence of edema, congestive processes in the tissues, problems with veins;
Slow  metabolism and as a consequence, rapid aging and obesity;
 loose skin, the first signs of aging and decay, slagging of the organism.

Acting on individual parts of the body, stimulate the stones in the cells, and convert energy awaken it. In addition to the practical benefits in the form of removal of unpleasant symptoms and general state of relief, stone therapy normalizes the balance of body and soul. Finding harmony is often perceived as the best result stone therapy, because the correct conditions such pills and potions impossible.

Tags: massage, strength, stone, treatment, therapy, stone