Spa treatment for hands

Spa treatment for hands
 Spa hand treatment includes a whole range of treatments - peeling, softening and moisturizing skin mask and manicure. As a result of spa care your skin becomes soft and velvety, and nails healthy and beautiful.

Peeling - an important part of spa care, because the hands, first of all, must be removed from the stratum corneum of the skin. Modern beauty of VIP-class prefer natural remedies that are not only very gently remove dirt, but nourish and moisturize the skin, giving it an extraordinary softness and elasticity. Rejuvenating peels on a natural basis create an atmosphere of relaxation and pleasure, thanks to a deep and pleasant aroma of these funds.

The protective function of the skin prevents the penetration of foreign matter in it, so spa treatments include such an important operation as exfoliation of the stratum corneum. Peeling designed for you to relax the barriers that stand in the way of nutrients - antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

It is known that the hands of the treacherous give the woman's age, so the spa care includes drugs with ceramides, which return the hands youth and beauty. Worth mentioning a procedure such as a hand massage - it improves the general condition and helps get rid of fatigue, relieves stress and improves mood.

Manicure consists of several stages. First, an experienced master with a special compound to remove the old paint coating, followed by nails formed into the desired shape. After mitigation procedures and peeling nails easily any manipulation. To remove the cuticle, soften its special preparation for a spa manicure. These procedures completes the deep peeling - is applied to the hands of a special tool, light massage movements master rub it into the skin for two or three minutes. Natural otshelushivayushie drugs have softening, moisturizing and wound-healing effect.

After that the nails are polished using a polisher and cover tonic or varnish. Spa treatments can be done not only in the beauty salon, but also at home.

Tags: leather, hand massage, care, spa