Shower Charcot against cellulite

Shower Charcot against cellulite
 Sharko shower - a popular procedure that offers all sanatoriums and dispensaries of the Soviet era. Nowadays, power shower found its rebirth. The beauty industry has taken this technique adopted, including in the fight against cellulite.  

Charcot's shower is named after its creator - the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. This procedure is a shower with a strong jet of water under pressure supplied to the human body. Water comes from a distance of 3-5 meters, with alternation: warm and cold. Previously, power shower was used mainly for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and relaxation. Now, in many centers and beauty salons it is used to eliminate cellulite.

The beauty of the soul Charcot that it is very effective and it is inexpensive. This procedure acts as good cosmetic procedures with exorbitant price and elite antitsellyuitnyh creams. In this case, additional power shower relaxes and soothes, improves immunity.

Since cellulite is known to be better controlled by massage. A directed jets of water under high pressure pouring on the problem areas, and are just pretty powerful massage. During the procedure, the water temperature is gradually lowered, thus increasing the pressure at which it is fed. At what massage can be such additional stimulation?

As a result, blood circulation improves, its tributary to certain zones increases, leaving the body toxins and fat deposits are broken down, the metabolism is normalized. The result - "orange peel" fades, the skin becomes smooth and even, weight decreased.

However, to achieve a visible effect, power shower should be done at least 2 times a week. The duration of each procedure - about 10 minutes. All you need to take a course of 12-15 sessions.

Unfortunately, to get rid of cellulite with the help of a pleasant and effective procedure, as shower, not given to everyone. After all, there are contraindications: hypertension, heart rhythm disorders, pronounced varicose veins.

Tags: cellulite, shower, property, Shark, saxifrage