Shiatsu: oriental massage technique

Shiatsu: oriental massage technique
 Shiatsu - is not just a massage technique is an art that helps to achieve physical and mental harmony. This type of massage originated in Japan and is considered the founder of the art shiatsu Namikoshi Tokujiro.

In fact, Shiatsu - is acupressure, which does not require any additional support tools. The main tool - our hands. With your fingers and palms you massaging the body, but do not put pressure on him. You and your patient should merge into a single whole, where only a place of harmony and a pleasant feeling, reminiscent of rippling water by the sea. The goal - to get rid of negative energy and get energy boost, which is so necessary every day.

According to the Oriental teaching which forms the basis of this technique, the body energy circulates as blood. But this circulation may be compromised due to disease, stress, improper diet and maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle in general. Original channels called meridians circulation, of which there are 12 in our body. Sometimes in these channels can be formed stagnation of energy, and then with pressure on certain parts of the body can be stimulated by movement and eliminate congestion.

How do you do a massage? It is important to remember that it is necessary to press on the body very carefully, hoping to force. If you click on the dots appear painful or just discomfort, reduce the pressure force.

Pressing must be tough and produced in a fingertip pad, thus it is necessary to try to move them all the weight of the body.

Regarding the pressing time - it should not exceed 5-7 seconds, and in the neck - 3 seconds.
Shiatsu technique teaches us to be attentive to the whole body. For example, if you suffer from insomnia, you need to stretch your earlobes for 10 seconds. With tired eyes massage the base of the nose in the area where the tear streams. If you have recently quit smoking and feel the need for a cigarette, you should strongly push the bone, where converge the clavicle.

Having mastered the skills shiatsu, you introduce yourself to tone your body and help to make it to their loved ones.

Tags: massage techniques