Self-massage of the face and neck as a means to improve skin

Self-massage of the face and neck as a means to improve skin
 Self-massage of the face and neck - a very useful cosmetic and medical procedures. It helps to improve the skin, making you look younger and more beautiful. Daily massage the neck and face for a long time to keep the skin taut and toned, providing a beneficial effect not only on her but on the blood vessels and muscles.
 Self-massage to be performed on the well-cleaned skin. Before the procedure, it is desirable to apply on face and neck with a hot compress, which expands the pores and promotes rejection of horny scales. This, in turn, leads to the rapid absorption of the cream. Prepare the skin to massage and can be using a steam bath.

Before starting the procedure, apply to face and neck emollient cream, spread its light and gentle movements, does not shift the skin. Follow strokes from the middle of the forehead toward the temples, from the chin to the middle lobes, from the base of the nose to the ears, from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner on the upper eyelid, and vice versa - the bottom.

Movement should be light, rhythmic and even, does not slip and do not stretch the skin. Focuses on those areas where more pronounced wrinkles.

The proposed technique is performed using self-massage strokes. It helps to speed up the flow of lymph, improve elasticity and skin nourishment. Despite the fact that the method is quite simple strokes, it is effective in the fight for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. This massage smoothes wrinkles and makes the skin of the face and neck silky, supple and fresh.

Before the procedure, "prepare" hands - wash them with soap and warm. Massaging the skin should be dry warm hands. Start with self-massage of the neck. Stroking should be easy. - Any.

Self-massage of the neck

Rub the palm of your hand until the pleasant warmth. Bottom-up of iron the back of the neck, neck and head. After that, going below the 7th cervical vertebra, move his hands up and gently iron the shoulder girdle towards the armpit. Repeat 1-3 times.

From the neck and upper back move right hand on the left shoulder girdle. Repeat 4-6 times. The movement ends in the armpit. Similarly, the left palm rest, do the right shoulder girdle proglazhivanie.

Bottom-up gently iron the throat alternately back of the hand with fingers spread wide. In this case, you need to relax the lower jaw so that it slightly dropped, and his lips moved forward. Repeat 5-10 times with each hand.

Self-massage facial

"Face wash". With folded hands "boat", the internal lateral side attach them vertically in the midline of the face. The palms are located on the cheeks, fingers come into contact with the scalp. Expand the palm and gently stroking the face towards the chin and ears.

Freeze for 2-4 seconds and tilt your head forward, and then keep going. Elbows and head at the same time must be lifted and the spine - pull up. Then follow stroking his hands with fingers apart in the area behind the ears, moving down the neck and back. Then repeat the upward movement, but his hands stroking the forearm and down - towards the armpit. Perform 1-4 times.

Open palms gently iron the skin from the midline of the head, moving toward the face. Ending massage "face wash". Fingers lightly "scratched" head, stroke and again "wash" face. Repeat 2-3 times.

Tags: skin, face, tool, neck, state, improvement techniques, self-massage