Self-massage of legs - cellulite massage

Self-massage of legs - cellulite massage
 Women who do not have time to visit the beauty salon should learn several procedures that can be performed independently at home. Among them, self-massage cellulite, which is recommended to combine with essential oils of citrus, as well as special cosmetics.
 When performing self-massage, be very careful not to push too hard on the skin. Pain and the more bruising should not be in any case. Be sure to warm them before the massage hands and feet, and treat problem areas anti-cellulite scrub. On foot or apply cream with a few drops of oil of orange, grapefruit, lemon or tangerine, or special oil for massage. Knead feet, starting with the feet and slowly moving up.

First, a few times gently swipe palms on foot from the feet to the hips. Then vigorously, with the power of mash foot, starting with the fingertips. Worked through each section, and then carefully rub in a circular motion all foot entirely. Then gently massage each finger individually, flexing his during the massage.

Grasp the shin hands so that your thumbs are on the bottom. Then with one hand stroking follow zigzag motion, and the second - straight. Several times Repeat this movement tightly with your fingers and start to carry out his hand from the foot to the knee, pressing his fingertips on the skin and stretching the muscles. Then grasp the brush fingers of both hands, lift and start shaking it stronger, weaker.

And finally, do massage thighs. Take sitting or reclining position, in which the legs are relaxed. Then with both hands gently stroking his thigh, moving from bottom to top. Repeating stroking several times, place one hand on the outside of the thigh, and the other - on the inside and with a force pressing on the skin with your fingers, move them from the bottom up. Then grasp the thigh with his hands and follow a circular motion, clutching his leg. The intensity of the massage can change gradually. Finally, work through the most problematic areas of the skin, gently but firmly tapping and patting with your fingers.

Tags: foot massage, self-massage