Self-massage of hands: the reflex zones

Self-massage of hands: the reflex zones
 Self-massage - effective and free procedure that can be performed at any time convenient for you. On the hands is a huge number of reflex points, massaging regularly can rejuvenate your skin, get rid of wrinkles and restore motor function.  
 Begin hand massage with rubbing movement. Imagine if you had to lather hands. Then massage the back of one hand palm of the other. This exercise will take about 3-5 minutes.

Quickly squeeze fingers, slowly unclench. Now slowly squeeze and sharply unclench. Repeat 10 times per session. If you have arthritis or osteoarthritis, exclude the exercise or pre-consult with your doctor.

Work out stroking motion. The pad of the thumb of one hand massage fingers of the other. Movement should be from top to bottom. After the massage, you will feel as improved blood circulation - certainly cease to be cold and numb, if this problem was the place to be.

On the palms has the maximum number of reflex points, so rub hands together daily for 30-60 seconds. This exercise can be done at any convenient time. Especially good massage palm helps reduce fatigue and stress.

Thumb and index finger gently pinch the back of the hand. Do not press too hard, otherwise there can be small bruises. Massage spend 5 minutes on each limb.

At the end of the massage session put on hand cream or butter and rub into the skin as long as it is absorbed. Then slapped on the hand. If you strongly dry skin, wear cotton gloves and walk around in them for several hours. In combination with massage effect appears after a few sessions.

It is best to massage the reflex zones after taking bath. Dissolve in a liter of water a tablespoon of sea salt, add a few drops of lavender oil and hold the limb in the solution for 15 minutes. After that, the skin will be more sensitive to mechanical stress and elastic.

Tags: hand, massage area, self-massage