Pepper Wrap

Pepper Wrap
 In the struggle for the beauty of their bodies women are able to go to the many victims and even endure not very pleasant and painful procedures. Pepper wrap is used to get rid of cellulite.
 Anti-cellulite massage is known to cause pain. Pepper wrap procedure too painful, but bearable if you are persistent in achieving their goal.

But not so scary as it seems. Is the procedure wraps with peppers that are applied to the problem areas with the addition of a mixture of red pepper. It is known that hot pepper - a very effective tool to quickly warm the skin and therefore - for weight loss. Red pepper increases blood circulation and stimulates the metabolism, and most importantly - is struggling with stagnant in the skin, is the cause of cellulite.

This procedure is contraindicated in people with cardiovascular disease and varicose veins. Before pepper wrap should not be treated skin scrub.

Apply pepper on the skin in its pure form is impossible, as can be badly burned. It is necessary to mix it with clay, honey, cinnamon, mud or oil. Here are a few recipes such mixtures.

Pepper, coffee, honey

Mix 1 tablespoon red pepper with 2 tablespoons of ground coffee (or cocoa) and 1 spoon of warmed honey. The composition can be adjusted to the mixture easier to lay on the skin. Apply the product on the skin problem areas, wrap with plastic wrap and lie down for half an hour under a warm blanket. You can also wear a warm suit and do household chores or exercise. The mixture should be slightly burned. The first procedure keep a little less time than expected. Be careful not to cause severe burns. If you really burns, immediately remove the pepper mixture and take a shower. After washing off the pepper mixture on the skin, apply moisturizer.

Pepper, cinnamon, vegetable oil, essential oil

Mix 2 tablespoons hot pepper and the same amount of ground cinnamon, add 4 tablespoons of any vegetable oil and, if desired - a few drops of essential oil. For these purposes it is fit citrus oils - lemon, orange, grapefruit. Wrapping do as described in the first recipe.

Pepper, coffee, salt-vodka

All ingredients (red pepper, salt and ground coffee), Take 1 tablespoon, mix and dilute mixture of so many vodka to get the consistency of sour cream. Do wrap, as described in the first recipe.

Whichever recipe you choose, you should test the mixture on a small area of ​​skin on the subject of whether you can withstand such "flogging" on a large area of ​​the body.

Tags: cellulite review, wrapping